Session 2007: |
Innovative and Collaborative
Problem Solving Environment in Distributed Resources
Prof. Shigeo Kawata, Graduate School of Eng., Utsunomiya
The study of Problem Solving Environments (PSE)
is a newly emerging scientific and technological
active area in eScience. PSEs provide innovative computational
facilities for easy incorporation of novel solution
methods to solve a target class of problems in Grid
environments, distributed and heterogeneous resources,
collaborative environments and so on. Key issues addressed
in this Session include PSE for Grid, PSE for collaborations,
PSE for heterogeneous distributed system management,
PSE for application developments, PSE for scientific
computing and PSE for education, as well as PSEs for
eScience-related issues. PSEs provide computational
facilities to solve target problems in a novel way in
the fields presented above. The PSE researches and technology
have been intensively explored, and at present the PSEs
have started to realize this PSE dream: for example,
PSE for Grid deploys middleware or application software
on heterogeneous distributed resources across multi
sites, and PSEs for application developments may generate,
for example, parallel software.
For further information, please refer to:
http://www.ee.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/~kawatalab/pse/workshop/i2007/e-schedule2007.html |
Workshop on Collaborative
Remote Laboratories
Jörg M. Haake, Wolfram H. Schiffmann,
Fern Universität in Hagen, Germany
eScience is characterized by the cooperation of distributed
research groups who share data and powerful computing
environments. Often immense data sets that were produced
by expensive equipment need to be accessed and evaluated
by collaborating research groups who are working at
distant locations. In order to reduce the amount of
experimental data, remote control of the experimental
setup should be provided. Thus, remotely controllable
laboratories are necessary to conduct measurements on
demand and with respect to specific scientific problems.
Web-Platforms for mutual exclusive access are required
to grant just one experimenter the control of the laboratory's
equipment at a particular time while allowing others
to follow the experiment. The acquired data must be
made accessible to collaborating researchers and simultaneously
a communication infrastructure for the joint evaluation
of these measurements is needed. The objective of the
workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation
of new ideas to address the above requirements, which
are essential to build collaborative remote laboratories.
For further information, please refer to:
eHumanities Workshop
Peter Wittenburg, Sheila Anderson, Peter Doorn, Steven
Krauwer, Laurent Romary,
Tamas Varadi
A number of recent events including the e-Humanities
workshop 2006 have shown that researchers and curators
in the humanities and in the cultural heritage sector
not only realize that the computational processing empowered
by the Internet is revolutionizing the research and
curation methods, but also that new forms of virtual
collaborations based on new types of technology platforms
and standards are ways to overcome many of the current
barriers. Yet the number of researchers and curators
who understand the methods and see their potential is
comparatively small, i.e. more effort needs to be taken
to form a large and globally active eHumanities community
of experts that regularly exchanges ideas and results
and gather excellent first showcases to convince even
more colleagues. Therefore, the eHumanities workshop
in Bangalore is seen as an excellent continuation of
what has been started.
For further information, please refer to:
Biologically-inspired Optimisation
Sanaz Mostaghim, Andrew Lewis, Marcus Randall
This workshop invites papers discussing recent advances
in the development and application of biologically-inspired
optimisation algorithms to the field of computational
science. We encourage submission of papers describing
new concepts and strategies, and systems and tools providing
practical implementations, including hardware and software
aspects. Of particular interest are new approaches in
multi-objective optimisation and optimisation in dynamic
environments. In addition, we are interested in application
papers discussing the power and applicability of these
novel methods to real-world problems in both well-established
areas, such as computational engineering, and emerging
fields such as computational biology.
For further information, please refer to:
2nd International Workshop
on Scientific Workflows and Business Workflow Standards
in e-Science
Adam Belloum
In e-Science environments, Scientific Workflow Management
Systems (SWMS) hide the integration details at different
layers of middleware such as for managing Grid resources,
computing tasks, data and information, and automate
the management of experiment routines. Recently development
in Grid technology have shown a convergence between
business workflow standards such as BPEL4WS and scientific
workflows and scientific workflow management systems:
design, implementation, applications in all fields of
computational science, interoperability among workflows
and the e-Science infrastructure, e.g., knowledge framework,
for workflow management. Concerted research is carried
out in several projects along the complete e-Science
technology chain, ranging from applications to networking,
focusing on new methodologies and re-usable components.
The workshop focuses on practical aspects of utilising
workflow techniques to fill the gap between the e-Science
applications on one hand and the middleware (Grid) and
the low level infrastructure on the other hand. The
workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and
developers in the field of e-Science to exchange the
latest experience and research ideas on scientific workflow
management and e-Science. Live demos of workflow
systems and workflow application are welcome.
The 1st International Workshop on Scientific Workflows
and Business workflow standards in e-Science was successfully
held in the context of IEEE Int'l Conf e- Science and
Grid computing in Amsterdam in Dec. 2006. The workshop
invited 6 well known researchers representing both academia
and industry. The workshop consists of two oral sessions
and one panel session. This year we will widen the participation
to SWBES workshop by inviting submission of original
For further information, please refer to:
OGF Workshop on eScience Highlights
Geoffrey Fox, Dave de Roure, Dennis Gannon and Thilo
This workshop will have 6-8 invited presentations covering
highlights of OGF activities over the last year. The
talks will cover standards and eScience. Subjects are
likely to include the standards work in job execution
and the eScience OGF activities in Web 2.0, Campus Grids
and GIN (the research group bringing together the major
national Grids and software providers to identify and
solve key problems in interoperation). Other topics
of interest will be selected from OGF20 (May 2007) and
OGF21 (October 2007). The meeting will help link the
eScience community with OGF and identify new topics
for both 2008 OGF events the e-Science 2008 conference.
The OGF workshop organizers will look at at other e-Science
2007 and accepted papers/keynotes to ensure proposed
workshop is synergistic and not duplicatory with rest
of e-Science 2007 program.
International Grid Interoperability and
Interoperation Workshop 2007 (IGIIW 2007)
Organizer: Morris Riedel
The workshop will discuss the interoperability and interoperation aspects of current Grid and Web technologies, production Grids in general, and the interoperability through emerging open standards and well designed interfaces in particular. In the context of this workshop, the difference between interoperability and interoperation is as follows: Interoperation is specifically defined as what needs to be done to get production Grids (e.g. DEISA, EGEE, TeraGrid) to work together as a fast short-term achievement using as much existing technologies as available today. Hence, this is not the perfect solution and different than interoperability that is defined as the native ability of Grids and Grid middleware (UNICORE, gLite, Globus Toolkit) to interact directly via well defined interfaces and common open standards. This will enable cross-Grid use cases and applications from a growing range of domains in industry and science.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the area of interoperability and interoperation within Grids and distributed environments, to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and latest research results as well as open problems. Enough time for intensive discussions will be provided and outcomes of the workshop will be summarized in the session.
CFP and more information:
http://omii-europe.org/OMII-Europe/igiiw2007.html |